Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Parade!

So last Saturday was the city's Christmas Parade. It was so much fun! Andrew marched with the marching band from RP and Vaughn, the boys and I rode in the back of a city truck. It was so weird to be at the front of the parade waving to everyone as a representative of the city. But everyone from the city worked so hard and put on a wonderful parade! It was nice that we were at the front of the parade because we were able to walk to where the judges were and sit there and watch the rest of the parade. The primary children had a float and sang songs and they were so cute! But the RP band was the BEST! They looked and sounded so good. Don't have any photos of that, but you can look at Jill's blog for a picture! If you didn't see the parade this year, you really missed out. Each year it gets better and bigger and I think it is so great considering how small of a town we are! How lucky we are to live here and experience these great things!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow, Snow, Snow

So when Andrew woke up this morning at 5:45am, it was SNOWING! He tried to get me up to see, but I said I would look when I took him to the bus. So at 6:30am, we got the in the car and headed towards the bus stop. It was snowing so bad and the roads were terrible. After a call from my friend who works for the city, saying she was not sending her son to school, that she thought the roads were too bad, we headed home. We woke Ryan and Brandon up so they too could see the snow. After a few minutes they got all bundled up and headed out to play. This is their creation.

I know school was not canceled, but how often do we get snow like this in California. So today is our snow day, whether the school knows it or not! Enjoy kids, this doesn't happen every year.

It is now 11:06am and the snow has not let up at all! I think it might even be snowing harder now. I will take more pictures and post again if it continues to snow!

Until next time.....

Friday, December 12, 2008

Swearing In

So Wednesday night was it! I was finally sworn in to the City Council. It was a lovely evening. It was also 38th Anniversary of the City, so everyone was dressed up and the Chambers were decorated beautifully. I think my parents have the good pictures, so when I get those, I will post again. But here is the best from what my family took.

I again want to express my gratitude to all those who supported me and continue to support me on this journey. I'm sure it will have it's ups and downs, but I believe it will all be worth it in the end!

PS I finally figured out how to publish photos on my blog. I am so excited. Maybe someday I will figure out how to get pictures off the internet!

Until next time....

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Parade

This years Adelanto Christmas Parade is on December 13 at 10:00am. For those who have attended before, you know how great it is and for those of you who have not, it's not a big city parade, but a nice hometown parade. Many of our kids from the ward will be participating in one way or another and Santa will even be there. I hope you can all make it, it will be a great time for all. The parade runs down Seneca from Aster to Bellflower. Hope to see you there!


So Vaughn's sister Melissa and her husband came down from Lehi for Thanksgiving and we had a great time. On Saturday we met them down the hill and went to a movie and went shopping. Lane Bryant was having a bogo(buy one get one free) sale and my sister in law swears by their jeans. So we went. Ok, Lane Bryant has this weird way of sizing their jeans. The sizes start at 1 and go up from there. Maybe they are trying to make us fat people feel better about ourselves. Whatever, just as long as they fit. So the lady measures me and tells me I am a yellow 4 or 5. Now my sister in law says she's a yellow 2 and now I am feeling really fat. So I try on the 5's to which they almost fall to the floor. So I try the 4's, I think I could have fit Brandon down the back of my pants they were so big. So I tell the lady what's happening and she is shocked. So she moves me to the red tagged jeans which were twice as baggy! So back to the yellow's and I finally end up in a 2. Oh, not as fat as I thought. But I did tell the clerk that maybe I just look fatter than I really am, I think she felt bad. But learn to measure or don't help! Anyway, anyone about my size, if you have not tried the jeans, I highly suggest it. They are a little more than I like to pay for jeans, but I think it's worth it. Especially if they are bogo! So thanks to Melissa for suggesting we go to Lane Bryant! I love my size 2 jeans! LOL!

Until next time.....